Homelessness Initiatives

1. Shape and Create an Eastside Plan to Effectively Address Homelessness

ECDF is working closely with Eastside cities, the King County Regional Homelessness Authority, elected officials, non-profits, and businesses to help shape and create the sub-regional East King County homeless plan that will best serve the needs of the Eastside. ECDF is working to ensure that the voice and needs of the business community, and other sectors, are reflected in the sub-regional plan.

2. Comprehensive Homelessness Data

ECDF is advocating for a region-wide data system informed by a By-Name list that will be accessible to Eastside decisionmakers and service providers, with a goal of enabling them to have access to detailed information regarding the people experiencing homelessness on the Eastside and what each individual needs to move to stability. Comprehensive, real-time data is key in achieving functional-zero homelessness in East King County.  

3. Shelter & Resource App

ECDF is working to build, socialize, and launch a Shelter & Resource App that can be used to help people in need of shelter and services navigate quickly to these resources.  The App will also help first responders (police, hospitals, parks and rec staff, etc.) connect people in need to these resources.  The App will also help businesses who encounter unhoused people to provide a compassionate response that brings hope and support to those in need.